Senior pupils of Garden High School, Sheersha Banerjee 11A, Moksh Banerjee 11A, Sarika Banerjee 11B, Shiladitya Banerjee 11B, Samraat Samiksh Sen 11B, participated in a program titled Diversity Council on Tuesday, 7 February 2023, as a part of Black History month, organized by the U.S. Consulate General Kolkata at the US pavilion at the 46th International Kolkata Book Fair. The programme focused on interacting with young leaders through quiz and JAM (Just a minute). Sheersha Banerjee was adjudged best speaker in ‘Just a minute’ and Garden High School placed overall third. Through this programme the pupils realised the importance of diversity and fostering equity and inclusion on the global stage. It was a great learning experience for them.