Soumodip Mukherjee, IV D (2018-19)
Do ghosts and spirits exist? I don’t know, but I will narrate what happened one night.
I was watching cartoons on T.V. It was 10p.m That evening I was all alone at home . My father had gone to the airport to receive my mother and my brother. Soon I felt sleepy and a number of strange things began to happen. At first the lights of the dining room were switched on automatically . I remembered that I had switched off the lights a few minutes ago. So I turned them off again. While lounging on my sofa a strange unearthly sound gave me goose bumps. The sound was like an infant crying . I wondered whether I should call Mother or ignore the creepy sound. I thought that I was brave enough to handle this kind of situation. I opened the door and went outside to investigate the source of that creepy sound when suddenly the lights of the dining room were on again. I was scared. I went to the telephone to call Mother but she was not reachable. I tried to sleep but couldn’t. Suddenly I heard some knocks on the door. I started to pray. I opened the door but could see no one. I closed the door and tried to sleep when again I heard the knocking sound. I was sure someone was playing a prank or was it a ghost? Armed with a stick I told myself that I would beat the evil spirit. I opened the door but this time it was my best friend Iyer. He did not believe in ghosts . He explained that probably a lizard was going up and down the switch and so the light was switching on and off. “What about the knocking sound?” I asked feeling a bit better. “Oh that!” he continued “is the wind”. What about the infant crying?” “An owl sits on the tree daily and makes a strange sound like that”. I was satisfied with his explanation. But then I doubtfully said “But why couldn’t I hear them on other days?” He smartly answered “As you sleep early those days.”