The Garden High School Investiture Ceremony 2022–23 was held on 1st July 2022. The Head Boy Soham Mukhopadhyay, Head girl Dishari Chowdhury, Captains (Cedar – Ayushee Nag, Chinar – Ishan Burman, Oak – Upolobdhi Karmakar, Palm – Priyasmita Ghoshal), Vice-Captains (Cedar – Rajdeep Chanda, Chinar – Ajaitri Kar, Oak – Sarika Banerjee, Palm – Krityali Sau) and prefects were invested with the responsibility of carrying out their respective duties as leaders. They had badges pinned to their lapels and took the oath pledging to honour the faith reposed in them. The Principal Mrs Rajashri Biswas handed over the flags. The Pro-Rector and the Principal reminded them of the true and all-encompassing nature of the special tasks allotted to them.