Ritam Nag, Class VIII A (2018 – 19)
Unfathomable in its depths;
The vast blue,
Deeper than ice caves
Darkly mystifying too.
No vessel,
Of Man, shall ever dare;
No captain, nor sailor,
Or mere corsair,
To traverse
Her lairs –colossal so- ;
Beyond the horizon
And further to go.
Above greens impenetrable
Across wavering blues,
Naught but the mighty,
Wind may cruise.
O’er her face
Winds will coil.
Squalls and tempests
And typhoons shall boil.
In her dismal deeps
Leviathans lurk.
Gazing treacherously,
Up thro’ the murk.
Seer of thousands,
Teller of countless tales –
She lives and will live
Forevermore in time’s vales.